What is the Average Weekly Wage in Workers’ Compensation?

Crystal Rios Ramos - Rios Law Firmby Crystal Rios RamosLast updated Feb 11, 2020Category: Workers' Compensation

Your workplace should be a safe place. It should be expected that employees will not be injured or left unable to work, but, in spite of the best efforts, this cannot always be so. That is the reason for Workers’ Compensation Insurance. In Arizona, all employers must provide no-fault compensation insurance to all their employees. No-fault means that it should be paid because an adequate monthly wage is needed by everyone. The payment, however, will be less than the worker’s normal wage. This is to discourage people from taking advantage of Workers’ Compensation payments and to encourage them to return to work.

What is the average weekly wage in Workers’ Compensation benefits here in Arizona? The amount depends on several factors.

What factors are involved?

No-fault insurance means that the employee should be paid even if they were the cause of the accident or injury unless it was deliberately self-inflicted. This ensures that everyone receives some benefits. Employers are expected to carry this insurance even if they only have one employee.

Although it should be paid no matter what, calculations of amounts are usually dependent on the nature and the extent of the injury. Other factors are the length of time that it takes to recover and the amount of time it takes until the claim is processed. Arizona does not have a set time limit on how long the temporary benefits are paid out. They are given as long as they are needed, that is until the employee is ready to return to work. If necessary, other money may be paid to help the worker return to employment, such as retraining benefits.

Monthly, that means about two-thirds of the wage that was received before the injury for a temporary leave of absence. Most of the time, the maximum wage and benefits per month given has been $3,000 in the state of Arizona, or as a weekly maximum approximately $461.54 for the duration of the disability with an additional $25 per month for one or more dependents.

Once an employee is able to return to work, either in the same capacity or part-time, an amount may be paid to make up the difference in hourly wages. An injury that is very severe, for instance, and includes loss of limbs, functionality, or even death, would have other considerations.

It’s the Law

Employers are legally required to carry insurance for all workers regardless of whether the position is temporary, as protection of the state’s workforce is of maximum importance. If you are unsure as an employer about your obligations in this regard, don’t hesitate to consult with an attorney who specializes in Arizona workplace law.

Accidents can happen, and workplaces can certainly be hazardous. It is important that everyone knows what to do after an accident occurs so that proper procedures can be followed. These amounts obviously affect employers as well as the employer, must carry the insurance as needed. If any employer or worker has issues with paying or receiving these wages, they should contact a workers' compensation lawyer in Arizona. An attorney with experience and understanding can help.

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